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The Myths Behind Frozen Beef

Nov 13, 2017 | Education

Written by our beloved supplier, Elin Parker Ganschow who supplies Locavore Delivery with delicious grass-finished beef from her family run ranch, Sangres Best Beef, near Westcliffe, CO. Enjoy reading and expanding your meat knowledge!


“A lot of customers ask if our beef is sold frozen or fresh thinking fresh is better, but that is actually not always the case and really depends on the source and time of butcher. Plus if it is frozen, the freeze process is key in the quality of product you get from it.”

-Elin Parker Ganschow, Sangres Best

Really It all comes down to three things:

  1. The quality of the beef (how it was raised)
  2. How it was butchered
  3. And of course, we think the most important factor is the packaging and freezing process (there are a lot of ways to the freezer, but is it the right way?)

If you can get all these components right, you can have the most flavorful beef of your life and be able to stock your freezer up and have that beef taste as fresh as the day of butcher anytime of year! How cool is that!

Generally, when you see “fresh” beef in the grocery store, it has been mass produced and there have been a number of preservatives to make it look aesthetically appealing (always a nice bright red). Generally, they aren’t as “fresh” as the consumer thinks because once it’s processed the time start ticking on it before it needs to get used. We think frozen is better because our beef is “locked” in time so the flavor will be the same no matter when you eat it.

Here are some interesting facts about our frozen beef process and why the quality of our beef taste so darn good time after time!

  • All of our meat is blast frozen ( -30 ) from our most recent harvest the second after they are butchered which locks them in time. (Like Hans Solo).
  • We also use industrial packaging so there is guaranteed no freezer burn. This allows you to keep any of our meat for up to a year in the freezer. It should taste like the day we processed it. (I’ve kept it longer and it still taste like the day of butcher).
  • We utilize small local processing facilities so that our meat is handled with the best care and individualized attention. (seriously makes a difference. One at a time)
  • All of our beef is attended to individually on a micro basis. There is NO mass production on our end and we use the highest standards of quality processing on the market and NEVER WITH PRESERVATIVES! (ewww yuck!)
  • The way we raise our cattle is just the best. All open range grass rotational feeding, (which makes the grass grow stronger and the beef tastes better).
  • The cattle get lots and lots of exercise which makes cleaner and healthier fat.

From the grass on our mountain pastures to your freezer, we make sure our beef is the highest quality best tasting on the market so you can feel good about every piece of meat you feed your family.

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