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The Myths Behind Frozen Beef

The Myths Behind Frozen Beef

Written by our beloved supplier, Elin Parker Ganschow who supplies Locavore Delivery with delicious grass-finished beef from her family run ranch, Sangres Best Beef, near Westcliffe, CO. Enjoy reading and expanding your meat knowledge!   "A lot of customers ask...

How the Pros Check How Well Done a Steak is Cooked

 The Finger Test to Check the Doneness of Meat Open the palm of your hand. Relax the hand. Take the index finger of your other hand and push on the fleshy area between the thumb and the base of the palm. Make sure your hand is relaxed. This is what raw meat feels...

Some Facts About Bacon "Without" Nitrates

I fell for it too. When Nitrites became the new food Taliban, I went ahead and doubled the amount I spent on each pound of bacon I purchased to avoid the devil Nitrites, and the terrorism I was told they unleashed on my body. Then, I started talking to some butchers,...

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